This live course will include lectures, hands-on workshops, interactive question and answer sessions, that aim to provide an overview of pediatric musculoskeletal conditions and sports-related injuries that are commonly encountered by Primary Care Providers. This course aims to provide a comprehensive learning experience that will improve providers’ knowledge, skills, and competence in managing specific conditions. In addition, participants can look forward to learning about our multidisciplinary approach to managing pediatric musculoskeletal and sports-related conditions through evidence-based practices.
Apply new knowledge in the identification of common pediatric musculoskeletal conditions and in basic evaluation and management.
Refine the way I work with different healthcare professionals based on an improved understanding of their scope of practice, including physicians, nurses, PAs, physical therapists, and athletic trainers; and apply strategies for fostering more effective communication channels to better facilitate referrals between healthcare professionals which optimize patient care and experience.
Apply improved competence in recognizing communication deficits in interprofessional healthcare team and develop and implement communication strategies in real-time to enhance team-based approaches in pediatric musculoskeletal care.
Use a continuous learning plan designed during the course to assist me in remaining current with evolving guidelines and practices in pediatric musculoskeletal and sports medicine.
Course Outline
Pediatric Musculoskeletal Conference for Primary Care
Friday, March 22, 2024
7:30am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 Welcome Course Chairs
8:05 Spine Deformity
Back pain
Case Presentations
Mohammad Diab, MD
Ishaan Swarup, MD
Nina Freitas, PT DPT
9:35 Break
10:00 Lower Limb Differences
Angular (In toeing/ Out toeing)
Rotational (Bow legs/ Knock knees)
Case Presentations
Sanjeev Sabharwal, MD, MPH
Jaclyn Hill, MD
Yumi Mitsuya, MD
Alexander Geraldi, PA-C MPA
Brent Hisaka, PT DPT
11:30 Networking/ Social
12:00pm Lunch
1:00 Fractures for Primary Care Jason Jagodzinski, MD
1:40 Non-accidental Orthopaedic Trauma Donald Kephart, MD
2:20 Break
2:40 Optimizing Bone Health for Children and Adolescents Janet Lee, MD MPH MAS
3:20 Musculoskeletal Infections Coleen Sabatini, MD MPH
4:00 Musculoskeletal Radiology Bamidele Kammen, MD
4:40 Question and Answer
5:00 Adjourn
Pediatric Sports Medicine Conference
MEDICAL PLAYBOOK: Power Up – Managing Care for Complex Issues in Youth Athletes
Saturday, March 23, 2024
7:30am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 Welcome Course Chairs
8:05 Hip Injuries in Young Athletes Michael Chau, MD PhD
8:35 Hypermobility in Athletes Heather Walsh, PT
9:05 Return to Impact After Back Injuries in Gymnastics/Dance Caitlin Kostelec, PT DPT
9:35 Weight Training in Youth Athletes Leone Baron, PT DPT
10:05 Question and Answer
1015 Break
10:35 Healthcare Disparities in Youth Sports Medicine Nirav Pandya, MD
11:15 Managing Complex Issues in Youth Athletes Cindy Chang, MD
11:55 Question and Answer
12:00pm Lunch Break
Weight Training in Youth Athletes
Brent Hisaka, PT DPT
Ameera Teal, MS CSCS
Concussion Vision Evaluation and Rehab
Jeremy Shumaker, OD
Breanne Walter, MPA PAC MBA MS
2:00 Wearable Electronics for Health and Fitness Nicolas Hatamiya, DO
2:30 Concussion in Young Athletes Frances Tao, MD
Lauren Small, MS ATC
3:00 Question and Answer
3:10 Break
3:30 Caring for the Female Athlete Faustine Ramirez, MD
Gina Biviano, MA ATC
4:00 Female Athlete Recovery and Injury Prevention Jenele Monteleone, PT DPT
4:30 Question and Answer
4:40 Closing Remarks
4:50pm Adjourn
+ Topics:
Caring for the Female Athlete.mp4
Caring for the Female Athlete.pdf
Concussion in Young Athletes.mp4
Concussion in Young Athletes.pdf
Female Athlete Considerations and Injury Prevention.mp4
Female Athlete Considerations and Injury Prevention.pdf
Fractures for Primary Care.mp4
Healthcare Disparities in Youth Sports Medicine.mp4
Healthcare Disparities in Youth Sports Medicine.pdf
Hip Injuries in Young Athletes.mp4
Hypermobility in Athletes.mp4
Hypermobility in Athletes.pdf
Lower Limb Differences Angular (In toeing Out toeing) Rotational (Bow legs Knock knees).mp4
Lower Limb Differences Angular (In toeing Out toeing) Rotational (Bow legs Knock knees).pdf
Lower Limb Differences Angular (In toeing Out toeing).mp4
Lower Limb Differences Angular (In toeing Out toeing).pdf
Lower Limb Differences Case Presentations.mp4
Lower Limb Differences Fracture Care for Primary Care.pdf
Managing Complex Issues in Youth Athletes.mp4
Managing Complex Issues in Youth Athletes.pdf
MOR24006_Syllabus Cover Pages.pdf
Musculoskeletal Infections in Children and Adults.mp4
Musculoskeletal Infections in Children and Adults.pdf
Musculoskeletal Radiology.mp4
Musculoskeletal Radiology.pdf
Non-accidental Orthopaedic Trauma.mp4
Non-accidental Orthopaedic Trauma.pdf
Optimizing Bone Health for Children and Adolescents.mp4
Optimizing Bone Health for Children and Adolescents.pdf
Question and Answer 1.mp4
Question and Answer 2.mp4
Question and Answer 4.mp4
Question and Answer 5.mp4
Return to Impact After Back Injuries in Gymnastics.mp4
Return to Impact After Back Injuries in Gymnastics.pdf
Spine Deformity – Case Presentations.mp4
Spine Deformity – Management of Pediatric Low Back Pain.mp4
Spine Deformity – Management of Pediatric Low Back Pain.pdf
Spine Deformity – Scoliosis and Kyphosis.mp4
Spine Deformity – Scoliosis and Kyphosis.pdf
Spine Deformity – Spinal Tethering.mp4
Spine Deformity – Spinal Tethering.pdf
Wearable Electronics for Health and Fitness.mp4
Wearable Electronics for Health and Fitness.pdf
Weight Training in Youth Athletes.mp4
Weight Training in Youth Athletes.pdf
WORKSHOP Concussion Vision Evaluation and Rehab.mp4
WORKSHOP Concussion Vision Evaluation and Rehab.pdf
WORKSHOP Weight Training in Youth Athletes.mp4