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Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation: A Team Approach: Expert Consult- 4th edition


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Evidence suggests a direct correlation between the quality of postoperative orthopaedic rehabilitation and the effectiveness of the surgery. Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, 4th Edition, helps today’s orthopaedic teams apply the most effective, evidence-based protocols for maximizing return to function following common sports injuries and post-surgical conditions. Charles Giangarra, MD and Robert Manske, PT continue the commitment to excellence established by Dr. S. Brent Brotzman in previous editions, bringing a fresh perspective to the team approach to rehabilitation.

Every section is written by a combination of surgeons, physical therapists, and occupational therapists, making this respected text a truly practical “how-to” guide for the appropriate initial exam, differential diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.
Treatment and rehabilitation protocols are presented in a step-by-step, algorithmic format with each new phase begun after criteria are met (criteria-based progression, reflecting current best practice).
Revised content brings you up to date with new evidence-based literature on examination techniques, classification systems, differential diagnosis, treatment options, and criteria-based rehabilitation protocols.
Extensive updates throughout include new chapters on: medial patellofemoral ligament, shoulder impingement, pec major ruptures, thoracic outlet syndrome, general humeral fractures, foot and ankle fractures, medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction, the arthritic hip, athletic pubalgia, and labral repair and reconstruction.
Easy-to-follow videos demonstrate rehabilitation procedures of frequently seen orthopaedic conditions and commonly used exercises, and new full-color images complement the highly visual nature of the text.

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Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation: A Team Approach: Expert Consult- 4th edition